Wednesday, April 1, 2009

All of those years spent growing up with a plastic sword...

....and now, it finally pays off.

Flipping sweet.
Just found out that they do this twice a week at the park up the road from me. Now that Hackee Sack is passe, it may be my only future exercise.


Jclef said...

Oh man - that's NERO, right?

I need to go this summer - but first, I must make some armor. It's a good thing I save my pizza boxes!

I love those nerf flails.

Raith Veldrin said...

I'd be taking my inaugural beating tonight if I wasn't stuck in nightclass. That gives me another week or so to work on my training regiment (Hostess cupcakes, Diet Pepsi, and lots of Braveheart on frame by frame).

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