No seriously...
I literally have an army of future software engineers at my disposal. The possibilities right? Do you know what I would have given for this back in my NWN1 PW days? The sacrifices that had to be made for scripting back then?
So my relatively new position gives me control of the University's Software Engineering B.S. degree program. A team focused, project driven dream. Then they ask me to help come up with some degree concentrations, and they are leaning toward Game Development (at this point, I'm sweating bullets trying not to do cartwheels with a sense of euphoria and horror).
As tempting as it is to give in to the dark side, and toss aside other semester/year long industry partner software projects, and control a zerg of NWScripters like a mad necromancer... I have to do the right thing. However, for those that are serious about game development. I mean, who am I to stop them right? <- See that, I'm trying to justify it in my head.
If anyone out there has a good idea for a team based software project that can last a semester or year and has milestones, deliverables, the whole gambit. Please, let me know. Help me suppress my evil overlord urges to shoot fish in a barrel.
Which reminds me. I've been tired of the whole story-driven thing I've been doing. That's kind of why I released the Campaign Setting. That way I have somewhat told the foundation story without having to drag myself to the finish line with part III. I'm sure I'll finish it eventually, it's so close.
The conversations, plot, scrolls, books, etc. Just starting to feel like a bedtime story, y'know. I'm thirsting for some action. I don't want to set the table anymore.
It would be sweet to make a big-ole uber dungeon for SP/MP use. Take advantage of the very best community developed custom content, and just go to town with a very large dungeon crawl.
I'm talking multiple areas, tilesets, population types, CR. Possibly multiple access points for various level parties with the chance to take some companions along for the SP guy.
I have an idea for one, and I'm getting the itch to start some serious planning. Damn I wish that third mod was done and It would make it so much easier to have old business out of the way.
Episode 93: Going Back In Time!
2 weeks ago