With a title like that, you'd think I was about to make my Mass Effect 2 confessions. So what if I sent Jacob to his death in the ventilation shaft. I'm pretty sure he was messing around with Miranda and got snippy with me about it. That and I like to have the weapons room all to myself to roll around on the ground with my sniper rifle. (oh, and as the ultimate in jerk moves, I dropped Miranda for Tali, then Jack after we saved the universe...sheesh, how's that for cold-blooded renegade?)
Besides that little incident and losing Legion somehow (I must have missed a transmission), we all got out alive. If you don't know what I'm talking about, get Mass Effect 2! Also, don't believe the message that has enhancement advertisement to become big like Krogan, that stuff doesn't work!
No, the title refers to the effort to make this latest NWN2 project a more diverse affair. I've had great fortune in the meeting of Jason D Smith aka shmity72, who has agreed to help put this thing together. There is another individual working through some WIN7/Toolset issues who I will announce as soon as I ask his naming preference.
Is the team complete? Heck no! Join up if you get the development itch. The more minds that collaborate on a project, the grander it becomes (to a point of course). I'd love to have a well rounded team who can get their hands dirty on all of the many aspects of building an adventure. There's plenty to go around, I assure you. I also promise not to send you into a ventilation shaft to override a blast door.
RIP Jacob, I just couldn't trust ya after seeing what your dad did on that planet. Why do you think I never left you alone on the ship with Miranda?
Episode 93: Going Back In Time!
2 weeks ago
Good luck with your project!
Hi Raith,
Good to hear you got some help onboard. I too have asked a couple of people for help, especially when it comes to area design, as I know that is definitely a weak spot for me.
Maybe I should advertise on my own blog as well. :)
As for Mass Effect, I'm still playing the first game. Hopefully, by the time I finish it, Mass Effect 2 will be a better price for me. ;)
Good to see you ramping up on another project! All the best!
I can not stand Jacob. I only do his loyalty quest for the xp. lol He is such a tool and so boring. Someone forgot their Mountain Dew when creating him. lol
"waves to Raith"
Awesome! Awaiting progress, please.
call New Zealand
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